Healthcare UX

We collaborate with healthcare providers of all sizes to build universally easy to use digital products and applications that work the way they’re meant to.

Healthcare providers are increasingly turning to digital applications and systems to enhance the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the service they provide to patients. Yet too often these products are designed based on the wants of patients rather than their actual needs and with minimal insight from the doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals on the front line. In an industry where design flaws can have life altering consequences, adopting established UX design practices is a necessity rather than a nice to have.

At UXBERT Labs we focus on designing healthcare products based on a complete understanding of the problem. That’s how we can deliver solutions that meet the needs of not only patients but also the doctors, nurses and other caregivers who use them. Our expertise in user research and usability testing make us perfectly placed to understand and draw out the right insights from the many stakeholders involved in healthcare delivery. With our extensive knowledge of UX & usability best practices, we’re uniquely qualified to build usable products that provide real added value to every facet of healthcare delivery.

Partnering with our UX & Usability experts, your business can:

  • Communicate effectively with patients to provide added value to the service they receive
  • Provide doctors, nurses and other service providers with the tools that actually make their jobs easier
  • Improve organizational productivity and efficiency with streamlined solutions

Our UX process will guarantee applications and designs that are:

  • Easy to use and require minimal software training and support
  • Usable and intuitive reducing user errors that have real world effects
  • Designed based on insights from on the ground realities of practitioners day-to-day activities
  • Focused on safety at point of delivery

Local Expertise Combined With Global Reach

UXBERT Labs is an award-winning UX web and mobile consultancy in Dubai & Riyadh. Our on the ground presence in the capitals of the two largest markets in the region make us the perfect partner for businesses from around the world with customers and users in the wider Gulf region.

Whatever your Web & Mobile research, design or development needs, we have the expertise to deliver you usable and beautiful products in Arabic and English that deliver exceptional ROI and experiences your customers will love.

Transform and grow your business now