The Easiest & Most Cost Effective Way to Improve Your User Experience

Leading global & local brands upgrade their user experience, increase revenue, cut costs and achieve game-changing user satisfaction with UXBERT Labs’ UX Audits

Middle East Market Growth Lead

Skyscanner is all about starting with the traveller first, and Uxbert has been a huge help in ensuring we follow this approach for the Skyscanner Arabic app. We’ve been using the amazing feedback from the user testing sessions to work with our product teams and secure app improvements in their work backlogs. It’s having some awesome impact!

Do You Struggle to See Real Results With Your Digital Products?

Are you paying for traffic but seeing minimal return because users leave within minutes of arriving? Do your customers start the checkout process but drop out at high rates before completing their purchase?

Maybe you’ve invested time and money in digitising your services but your users are calling customer support complaining they can’t do what they need to do.

Or worse, customers are so unsatisfied they’re taking to social media and complaining to friends and family about how poor your digital services are, damaging your brand’s reputation.

Understanding the Problem and Knowing How to Fix It Isn’t Always Easy

You’ve tried surveys, focus groups and interviews to find out directly from your customers where the problem is. But the feedback is all over the place, one person says one thing, another says another. There’s no conclusive answer.

You’ve monitored and audited your analytics data. The trouble is while the data tells you what’s happening, it doesn’t tell you why.

So what’s left, a total redesign? But if you don’t actually know the why, how do you know your new designs won’t have the same problem?

Rebuilding your product only for it to have the same issues is an incredible waste of time and money.

What you need is actionable recommendations based on research and a scientific understanding of your user’s behaviours.

Our UX Audits Are Scientific Audits Done By Expert UX Analysts

UX Audits are a fast and affordable way to radically improve the user experience of your digital products. With research-backed UX Audits, you can create products your customers love, meet your business goals and expand your market reach.

With insights from our team of Usability Analysts, Interaction Designers, and UX Researchers, you’ll get a specialist perspective and discover any weaknesses in your design.

Detailed reports provide intelligent, customer-focused insights that are clear and actionable with multiple suggestions for drastic improvements.

  • State-of-the-Art Usability Lab
  • Apply UX Principles to Improve Business Metrics
  • Cutting Edge Technology and Creative Teams
  • Research-Backed Recommendations Based on Global ISO Standards & Interaction Heuristics
  • Expert Auditors Trained in the Psychology of How People Interact with Interfaces
  • Native English & Arabic Speaking Researchers

Walmart’s redesign of their ecommerce site resulted in 214% increase in visitors.

Bank of America increased its online banking registration by 45% after a UX redesign of the process.

IBM reported that “every dollar invested in ease of use returns $10 to $100.”

A Choice of 3 UX Audit Packages to Meet Any Team’s Needs

Choose from a selection of 3 UX Audit packages, each designed to deliver value for different needs. There’s an option for projects of all sizes and budgets.

Not sure which is best for your needs? Get in touch and we’ll help you make a decision.

  • User Journey Audit

    2 Business Days
    • End to End Single User Journey Audit
    • Heuristic Evaluation and Expert Audit
    • Single Platform (Website, Mobile Web or Mobile App)
    • Both English & Arabic versions
    • Shareable Visual Report
    • 10 High Priority Issues Identified
    • Actionable Fixes Based on Research & Expert Experience
    • Fast and Inexpensive
  • Specialist In-Depth UX Audit

    30 business days
    • UX Audit of Entire Product
    • Heuristic Evaluation and Expert Audit
    • Usability Testing with 20 Real Users
    • Eye Tracking Data Collection & Analysis
    • 1 Day Stakeholder Observation of Testing Sessions
    • All Applicable Platforms (Website, Mobile Web, and Mobile App)
    • Both English & Arabic Versions
    • Competitor UX Analysis
    • Shareable Visual Report
    • All Identified Issues
    • Actionable Fixes Based on Research & Industry Experience
    • HD Video & Audio Recordings of Lab User Sessions
    • Comprehensive Analysis Backed By In-Depth Research

Package 1: User Journey Audit | $1,495 | 2 Business Day Delivery

Ideal for your businesses if you:

  • Have limited budget for UX but still want quality ROI
  • Need lightning fast turnaround time
  • Already have an idea of where your problem may be
  • Have internal UX input but need external unbiased expertise

What’s a user journey? A sequence of steps and choices a user takes when interacting with your design to achieve a desired goal.

Example user journeys include a ‘checkout process’ or ‘booking an appointment’.

With this package, an experienced UX researcher visually inspects each of the pages and interactions your users encounters on a specific journey. We’ll evaluate your design for usability issues and areas for improvement based on scientific heuristics.

Each step and interaction on the journey is rated against UX design best practices and user interface principles.

You’ll choose a single platform (Website, Mobile Web or Mobile App) and get an evaluation of both the Arabic and English versions of your user journey.


Your final expert report will have a list of the 10 highest priority issues identified, (visually presented in annotated screenshots) along with actionable fixes which will lead to significant real-world improvements.


  • End to End Single User Journey Audit
  • Heuristic Evaluation and Expert Audit
  • Single Platform (Website, Mobile Web or Mobile App)
  • Both English & Arabic versions
  • Shareable Visual Report
  • 10 High Priority Issues Identified
  • Actionable Fixes Based on Research & Expert Experience
  • Fast and Inexpensive

Contact Us Now to Order Your User Journey Audit

Package 2: Full UX Audit | $9,995 | 10 Business Days

Ideal for your businesses if you:

  • Need a cost-effective option to improve UX of your entire product
  • Want to collect insights from testing with real users but need a fast turnaround time
  • Have a prototype and want UX insights before investing in development
  • Want expert, in-depth and unbiased feedback on your product’s design

The “Full UX Audit” package involves an experienced UX Researcher visually inspecting and evaluating every individual page and interaction of your product.

You’ll choose a single platform (Website, Mobile Web or Mobile App) and get an evaluation of both the Arabic and English versions of your product.

We’ll conduct usability tests on your product with 5 real users who’ve been professionally recruited and screened to make sure they fit your target user profiles.

Usability testing involves one-on-one, moderated usability evaluation sessions in a lab setting, with your target users. The ‘Gold Standard’ of usability evaluation, they identify usability problems, collect qualitative and quantitative data and determine your user’s satisfaction with a product.


We record all usability test sessions and will provide you with access to each recording along with the final report. Recordings include high quality audio as well as HD video recordings of the user’s screen.

Your final expert report will list the top 50 highest priority issues identified, (visually presented in annotated screenshots), from both the expert Audit and usability tests, along with actionable fixes that result in significant real-world improvements.


  • UX Audit of Entire Product
  • Heuristic Evaluation and Expert Audit
  • Usability Testing with 5 Real Users
  • Single Platform (Website, Mobile Web or Mobile App)
  • Both English & Arabic versions
  • Shareable Visual Report
  • 50 High Priority Issues Identified
  • Actionable Fixes Based on Research & Expert Experience
  • HD Video & Audio Recordings of Lab User Sessions
  • Fast & Cost Effective

Contact Us Now to Order Your Full UX Audit

Package 3: Specialist In-Depth UX Audit | $29,995 | 30 Business Days

Ideal for your businesses if you:

  • Have a complex product that requires in-depth specialist UX analysis
  • Want to Audit the UX design of multiple platforms
  • Have a wide range of target user profiles you want to test with
  • Want to incorporate business strategy into your analysis
  • Need industry UX specialist expertise

Our most comprehensive package, the “Specialist In-Depth UX Audit” involves a team of experienced UX Researchers & Usability analysts visually inspecting and evaluating every individual page and interaction of your product.

We’ll Audit and evaluate all applicable platforms (Website, Mobile Web, and Mobile App) in both Arabic and English.

Your products will also be tested with 20 real users, in a moderated lab setting, to evaluate them for usability problems, collect qualitative and quantitative data and determine your user’s satisfaction with them.

Usability testing sessions will include the use of Eye Tracking technology. This involves specialist hardware and software that measures what users are looking at when interacting with your interface.

You’ll also have the opportunity to arrange for up to 6 of your team to attend a day of testing (3 user sessions) in person. Our lab has an adjacent viewing room, with live video and audio feed, where stakeholders can anonymously observe sessions in real-time.

As part of the “Specialist In-Depth UX Audit” you’ll receive a Competitor UX Analysis. This involves assessing competitor sites to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses. A Competitor UX Analysis is an effective way to research your competition and uncover strategic insights into your target market.


Your final expert report will list out all identified issues (visually presented in annotated screenshots), from both the expert Audit and usability tests, along with recommended actionable fixes for significant real-world improvements. It’ll also include insights collected from analysis of eye tracking data as and the competitor UX analysis.

We record all usability test sessions and will provide you with access to each recording along with the final report. Recordings include high-quality audio as well as HD video recordings of the user’s screen.


  • UX Audit of Entire Product
  • Heuristic Evaluation and Expert Audit
  • Usability Testing with 20 Real Users
  • Eye Tracking Data Collection & Analysis
  • 1 Day Stakeholder Observation of Testing Sessions
  • All Applicable Platforms (Website, Mobile Web and Mobile App)
  • Both English & Arabic Versions
  • Competitor UX Analysis
  • Shareable Visual Report
  • All Identified Issues
  • Actionable Fixes Based on Research & Industry Experience
  • HD Video & Audio Recordings of Lab User Sessions
  • Comprehensive Analysis Backed By In-Depth Research

Contact Us Now to Order Your Specialist Authority UX Audit

Why UXBERT Labs is the Right Partner for Your UX Audit

  • Arabic & English speaking researchers who’ve audited hundreds of websites, mobile applications, and intranets
  • Proven track record of designing and moderating usability studies that deliver convincing results
  • Specialist research team who’ve screened and recruited thousands of real target users for in-person research
  • Extensive knowledge of scientific usability and interface design best practices and guidelines
  • Experience working with the biggest brands from across the world
  • Usability Lab in the heart of Riyadh equipped with state-of-the-art technology
  • We know how your users behave, what works and what doesn’t

It’s Time to Give Your Users the Experience They Deserve

Book Your UX Audit Today