13 UX Blogs That All The Pros Follow

UX design is massive.

Massive in terms of its impact, massive in terms of its scope and massive in terms of the different disciplines it involves.

If you’re new to the field, knowing where to start can be pretty daunting. Even if you’re established, new trends, tools, and techniques are introduced almost daily making it difficult to keep up.

We’ve been in the game for a while and in that time have narrowed down the huge number of resources available to a few tried and trusted ones. These aren’t necessarily the only great blogs out there, but they’re definitely up there with the best. Here is a list of some of our favorite blogs in the industry (in no particular order) where you can find all kinds of UX information, inspiration, advice, opinions and more.

1. Nielsen Norman Group (NN/g)

One of the most credible resources on all things Usability, NN/g offers evidence-based research reports, case studies, design guidelines and articles. Founded by Usability gurus, Jakob Nielsen, Don Norman, and Bruce Tognazzini, the blog regularly post articles with their latest findings in the field. Whenever there’s a usability debate going on within the team, NN/g is usually where we go.

2. Smashing Magazine

When it comes to anything design, Smashing Magazine is usually our first port of call. Incredibly informative and seriously in-depth, their articles are just as useful for UX experts as they are for novices. If we had to choose just one UX blog to stick with for the rest of our lives, Smashing Magazine would have to be the leading contender.

3. UX Magazine

A great UX community resource, UX Magazine publishes articles written by practitioners and industry leaders who walk the walk as well as talk the talk. With articles published frequently on a whole spectrum of topics related to UX design, it’s a great resource for engaging and discussion-provoking content on user-centered research and design.

4. UXMatters

With a collection of authors from around the globe providing their expertise in the field through valuable content, UXmatters is a proven trusted resource. Best practices in UX Design for all levels, the blog updates with multiple posts every week so you’ll always have something new to read.

5. UX Movement

UX Movement is a user experience blog with content on how design practices affect user behavior. Up-to-date articles deliver UX best practices and influence the future direction of the profession. Contributors have worked in every aspect of UX and bring their knowledge to share with a diverse audience.

6. Measuring Usability

Founded in 2004, MeasuringU provides usability consulting to Fortune 1000 companies and its articles focus on the statistical analysis of human behavior and quantifying the user experience. When it comes to data analysis, usability testing and UX research, this blog is a must. Don’t miss out on their new article published every Tuesday with insights on statistics in UX topics.

7. UX Myths

UX Myths debunks common UX design misconceptions in a list of 32 myths. Each myth is backed up with references from evidence-based articles from experts in the field to provide credible information and avoid false beliefs from becoming part of the design process. Avoid rework and time loss (and embarrassment) by getting the right source of information from this blog. (Want to check out UX Myths in Arabic? The guys behind it have graciously given us permission to publish translations of their posts on our Arabic language blog)

8. Usability Geek

Usability Geek originally started as a personal hobby for founder Justin Mifsud and has grown to cover a wide range of UX-related topics. Full of practical advice on not just UX but also e-commerce, conversion optimization and more, the blog is a great resource for anyone working in the digital world.

9. UserTesting Blog

Informative, practical and super straightforward. That’s what you’ll get with the posts at the UserTesting Blog. Specializing in posts on usability testing, they also talk about marketing, analytics and other aspects of UX design. Most of their posts aim at giving direct tips and advice rather than creating discussion, but they’re great at what they do so worth checking out.

10. Luke W Ideation + Design

The godfather of mobile UX design. You’ll be in awe of the amount of knowledge this guy has. And the best part is that he regularly shares it on his blog. As well as articles on mobile design and all things UX, he regularly posts his notes from conferences he attends. And as a bonus, make sure you check out his collection of UX how-to videos on YouTube.

11. Usabilla Blog

Usabilla helps leading brands improve the performance of their online systems with continuous user feedback. Their site offers products and case studies of how they’ve improved businesses, proving to be experts in the field. Their blog includes an abundance of articles on user experience and digital marketing.

12. UX Booth

UX Booth is a publication by and for the UX community. Their material is mainly for beginner to intermediate UX and UI designers and covers UX topics like research, interaction and visual design among others. The blog invites anyone to share and discuss best practices, trending topics, and personal experiences.

13. Usability.gov

Ok, so not technically a blog, usability.gov is a site maintained by the US government and provides UX best practices, guidelines and a lot of amazing templates for anyone starting a UX project. It’s usually the first place we tell people to go as an introduction to anything UX and user-centered design.

So go ahead and check all of the above out. If you think there’s anything we’ve missed or you’ve got a personal favourite, be sure to let us know on Twitter.

At UXBERT Labs we specialize in UX Research, Design & Development services that deliver world-class experiences. With offices in Riyadh and Dubai, our team of UX Researchers, Designers, and Developers deliver custom designed and built software to help businesses succeed.

Looking for a UX agency in Dubai or Saudi? Email us at hello@uxbert.com and let us show you why we’re an award winning company.

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