The Best 13 UX Twitter Accounts of All Time

You know what’s pretty cool?



Because it gives you a direct line into the minds of some brilliant people.

Lucky for us there are a lot of great UX tweeps (twoots? twits?) on Twitter too! Some are more active than others, some tweet about a whole load of their own interests while others tweet just UX. Whatever the case, here are some of our favorite UX tweets, tweeted by the Gurus themselves!

1. Steve Krug

One of the most famous names in UX and Usability, he’s best known for his book Don’t Make Me Think! A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability. Krug regularly lectures on web usability and offers workshops about usability principles, as well as consulting services. His second book Rocket Surgery Made Easy is a do it yourself guide to running usability testing sessions. His Twitter feed is active and filled with UX-related posts as well as updates from conferences he attends.

2. Luke Wroblewski

An influential expert in the world of web usability, his insights into the field make him a sought-after speaker at conferences and companies around the world. He’s worked at companies such as Yahoo and eBay and is currently Product Director at Google. The author of three well-known web design books as well as many articles on the topic, there’s no end to the amount you’ll learn from his up-to-date tweets on all things UX.

3. Dana Chisnell

By teaching them the skills to gain knowledge about users, Dana Chisnell has helped hundreds of people make better design decisions. She believes in creating the best user experience by first falling in love with your users. Co-director at Centre for Civic Design, a company that involves research, practical projects, training, and advocacy, she’s also the co-author of Handbook of Usability Testing. Following her, you’ll get tweets with relevant and interesting content which include an insight to both her professional and personal opinion on UX.

4. Patrick Neeman

An avid Twitter user (like seriously! how does he find the time!), Patrick Neeman founded – a website filled to the brim with tips for UX professionals. Patrick is currently a user experience design instructor and a regular speaker at UX and web design conferences.With a Twitter feed dedicated to UX, you’ll find more updates, tips, and advice than you’ll know what to do with.

5. Jared Spool

Right up there as one of the most significant experts in user experience today, Jared Spool’s expertise ranges on the subjects of usability, software, design, and research. He is the founding principal of User Interface Engineering (UIE), the largest usability research organization of its kind, making him one of the most knowledgeable speakers at conferences. Jared frequently writes about UX, with The $300 million button being one of his best-known articles. With over 55k tweets, there’s always valuable UX information you can learn from his feed (plus he’s very very funny). @jmspool

6. Leisa Reichelt

Currently the Head of Service Design & User Research at Digital Transformation Office with the Australian Government, Lisa previously worked for the UK Government Digital Team. A regular speaker at several conferences around the world including London IA, UX London, dConstruct and many more, Lisa also writes regularly for the User Research blog at You’ll find all sorts of UX related tweets in her feed along with a twist of humor.

7. Crystal Ehrlich

A freelance UX Designer, she’s been responsible for creating a number of award-winning experiences for the web, software applications, touchscreen, and mobile products. A long list of who’s who clients, she’s also founder of the LA UX Meetup group, the largest one in the US. Her Twitter feed is always full of valuable UX information, sharing links to articles, podcasts, and updates on the newest trends and technologies influencing UX.

8. David Travis

A psychologist specializing in user experience, David Travis works in the fields of human factors, usability, and user experience. He’s published two books and three online courses on usability and UX. Currently the Managing Director of Userfocus, a consultancy specialising in user experience, usability and user research, he’s provided his expertise in usability support to top brands like HP, Microsoft, Whirlpool, Orange, Skype, eBay and Yahoo! Although David does not update his feed as regularly as others, when he does, it’s usually worth reading.

9. Abby Covert

As an independent Information Architect, Abby Covert has worked with a wide range of leading brands such as Nike, IHOP, Staples, Bank of America and many more, providing IA consulting services. Co-founder of World IA Day, a conference that’s taken place annually for the past decade, Abby has also published a book How to Make Sense of Any Mess. She’s been a speaker at conferences including UX London, UX Tokyo and The IA Summit amongst many others. Her tweets are often about UX design and her teaching experiences at Parsons.

10. Steve Portigal

Author of Interviewing Users, Steve Portigal hosts the podcast Dollars to Donuts and is the founder of Portigal Consulting. For over 15 years, his consulting company has helped organizations understand their users in order to build successful design products. Some of his clients include LinkedIn, eBay, Microsoft, and Sony. Steve was previously an innovation consultant and an instructor at California College of Art. His feed is continually updated with a mixture of useful links, insights, and opinions on UX in general, and user research in particular.

11. Laura Klein

Author of UX for Lean Startups and Build Better Products, Laura Klein has over 20 years of experience in tech, currently the Principal at Users Know. She specializes in customer development and user research in order to improve design processes. She’s a Lean UX expert with a wealth of experience and knowledge and often shares what she knows about UX on her Twitter feed.

12. Jan Jursa

Currently the co-founder of 3 (YES! 3!) UX conferences, Jan Jursa was previously an information architect at T-Systems Multimedia Solutions. He runs two podcasts on UX and tweets passionately about the latest techniques in usability. He’s also compiled a UX Storytellers containing the stories of over 40 UX specialists. Follow his account to make sure you never miss the most important events and latest techniques in the world of usability. Also, he’ll probably follow you back which is awfully nice of him 🙂


What? Did you think we were too humble to include our own Twitter account as one of the coolest of the cool? Oh. You did. Well, you were wrong 😀 Follow us not just because we’re the 1st UX & Usability Consultancy in Saudi Arabia, or because we’ve got the only commercial usability testing lab in the country. No, follow us because we love you and think you’re the best and if you do we’ll totally follow you back!



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